Convert A to Volts

Convert Amperes to Volts (A to V)

Current (Amperes):

Resistance (Ohms):

Voltage (Volts):

How to Convert Amperes to Volts?

Converting amperes to volts requires additional information, specifically the resistance in ohms, as per Ohm's Law. The formula to convert amperes to volts is:

Voltage (V) = Current (A) × Resistance (Ω)

So, you need to know the current in amperes and the resistance in ohms to calculate the voltage in volts. Once you have these values, you can simply multiply them together to get the voltage. Here's the formula in action:

V = I × R

For example, if you have a current of 2 amperes and a resistance of 5 ohms:

V = 2 A × 5 Ω = 10 V

This means the voltage across the circuit is 10 volts.