Inches to Feet Converter

Convert Inches to Feet (inch to feet)



How to Convert Inches to Feet?

To convert inches (in) to feet (ft), you divide the number of inches by 12. Here is the formula to convert any inch value to feet: inches ÷ 12 = feet.

You might be wondering where the number 12 comes from. Well, there are 12 inches in one foot.

For example, if you want to convert 36 inches to feet, here is what to do: 36 inches ÷ 12 = 3 feet.

So, 36 inches equals 3 feet.

Conversion Table

1 inch0.0833 feet
2 inches0.1667 feet
3 inches0.25 feet
4 inches0.3333 feet
5 inches0.4167 feet
6 inches0.5 feet
7 inches0.5833 feet
8 inches0.6667 feet
9 inches0.75 feet
10 inches0.8333 feet
11 inches0.9167 feet
12 inches1 foot
13 inches1.0833 feet
14 inches1.1667 feet
15 inches1.25 feet
16 inches1.3333 feet
17 inches1.4167 feet
18 inches1.5 feet
19 inches1.5833 feet
20 inches1.6667 feet