m³/h to Liter/minute

Convert M³/h to Liters per Minute

Flow rate (m³/h):

Flow rate (L/min):

How to Convert cubic meters per hour to liters per minute?

To convert cubic meters per hour (m³/h) to liters per minute (L/min), you can follow these steps:

  1. Recognize that 1 cubic meter equals 1000 liters (since there are 1000 liters in a cubic meter).
  2. Recognize that there are 60 minutes in an hour.

With this in mind, you can use the following conversion factor:

1 m³/h = 1000 L/h
1 ÷ 60 L/s = 1 L/min

So, to convert m³/h to L/min:

(m³/h) × (1000 L/h) ÷ 60 = L/min

Simply multiply the cubic meters per hour by 1000 to convert it to liters per hour, then divide by 60 to convert hours to minutes.

Let's say you have a flow rate of 5 m³/h:

(5 m³/h) × (1000 L/h) ÷ 60 = L/min
5000 ÷ 60 = L/min
L/min ≈ 83.33 L/min

So, 5 cubic meters per hour is approximately equal to 83.33 liters per minute.