17 Rem to Px

17 Rem to Pixels (17 rem to px)

The conversion between "rem" (root em) and pixels depends on the font size defined at the root level of your HTML document.

Here's how it works:

1 rem is equal to the font size of the root element of the document. By default, this is usually 16 pixels in most web browsers, but it can be changed with CSS.

What is 17 rem to px formula?

To convert 17 rem to pixels use this formula: 17 rem × font size in pixels = Pixels

  • 12px: 17rem = 204 pixels
  • 14px: 17rem = 238 pixels
  • 16px: 17rem = 272 pixels
  • 18px: 17rem = 306 pixels
  • 20px: 17rem = 340 pixels

Convert 17 REM to PX

base value:

