18 Rem to Px

18 Rem to Pixels (18 rem to px)

The conversion from rem (root em) to pixels depends on the current font size of the root element (html or body) in your CSS. The rem unit is relative to the font-size of the root element, while px (pixels) are an absolute unit of measurement.

What is 18 rem to px formula?

To convert 18 rem to pixels use this formula: 18 rem × font size in pixels = Pixels

  • 12px: 18rem = 216 pixels
  • 14px: 18rem = 252 pixels
  • 16px: 18rem = 288 pixels
  • 18px: 18rem = 324 pixels
  • 20px: 18rem = 360 pixels

Convert 18 REM to PX

base value:

