6 Rem to Px

6 Rem to Pixels (6 rem to px)

The conversion of 6 rem to pixels depends on the font size set for the root element (usually the html element) in the CSS of a webpage. The "rem" unit in CSS stands for "root em," meaning it's relative to the font size of the root element.

What is 6 rem to px formula?

To convert 6 rem to pixels use this formula: 6 rem × font size in pixels = Pixels

  • 12px: 6rem = 72 pixels
  • 14px: 6rem = 84 pixels
  • 16px: 6rem = 96 pixels
  • 18px: 6rem = 108 pixels
  • 20px: 6rem = 120 pixels

Convert 6 REM to PX

base value:

