Convert RPM to Km/h

Convert RPM to km/h

Value (RPM):

Radius (meters):

Value (km/h):

How to Convert RPM to Km/h

To convert from RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) to km/h (Kilometers Per Hour), use the following steps:

  1. Find the Circumference: Measure the diameter of the wheel or object in meters. Then, multiply it by π (approximately 3.14159) to get the circumference in meters.
  2. Convert Circumference to Kilometers (if necessary): Since we want the result in km/h, convert the circumference from meters to kilometers by dividing by 1000.

Once you have the circumference in kilometers and the RPM, plug them into the formula: Speed (km/h) = (3 × π × radius × RPM) ÷ 25


Suppose you have a wheel with a diameter of 0.5 meters, and it's rotating at 100 RPM.

Find Circumference: Circumference = π × diameter = 3.14159 × 0.5 meters = 1.570795 meters (approximately). Converting this to kilometers: Circumference = 1.570795 meters × (1 km / 1000 meters) = 0.001570795 kilometers.

Use the Formula: Speed (km/h) = (3 × π × 0.5 × 100) ÷ 25 = (150 × π) ÷ 25
≈ (150 × 3.14159) ÷ 25
≈ 471.4785 ÷ 25
≈ 18.85914

So, the speed of the wheel is approximately 18.859 km/h when it's rotating at 100 RPM.