Convert RPM to Rad/s

Convert Revolutions per Minute to Radians per Second

Value (RPM):

Value (RAD/s):

How to Convert RPM to Rad/s

To convert rpm to rad/s, first of all, 1 rpm equals 0.10471975511965977 rad/s. So, to convert rpm to rad/s, here is the formula to use: RPM × 0.10471975511965977 = RAD/s.

To make this very clear to you, let's give an example by converting 75.5 rpm to rad/s.

According to the value of 1 rpm and the formula, here is how to convert it:
75.5 × 0.10471975511965977 = RAD/s
RAD/s = 7.910412412140264
So, 75.5 RPM is approximately 7.910412412140264 rad/s.