Convert RPM to Mph

Convert RPM to mph

Value (RPM):

Radius (meters):

Value (mph):

How to Convert RPM to MPH

To convert from RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) to MPH (Miles Per Hour), you can follow these steps:

  1. Calculate the Circumference: Measure the radius of the rotating object in meters.
  2. Convert Circumference to Miles (if necessary): Since we want the result in MPH, convert the circumference from meters to miles.

Once you have the circumference in miles and the RPM, use the following formula: Speed (MPH) = (72 × π × radius × RPM) ÷ 965.6064


Let's say you have a rotating object with a radius of 1 meter, and it's spinning at 90 RPM.

Calculate Circumference: Circumference = 2π × radius = 2π × 1 meter ≈ 6.2832 meters (approximately).

Convert Circumference to Miles: Circumference ≈ 6.2832 meters ÷ 1609.34 ≈ 0.0039116 miles (approximately).

Use the Formula: Speed (MPH) = (72 × π × 1 × 90) ÷ 965.6064
≈ (6480 × π) ÷ 965.6064
≈ (6480 × 3.14159) ÷ 965.6064
≈ 20324.48 ÷ 965.6064
≈ 21.08

Therefore, when the object is spinning at 90 RPM with a radius of 1 meter, its speed is approximately 21.08 MPH.